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RE: #trending #153

in #trending7 years ago (edited)

You have been here since Sep 2016, things were very very different back then. I wasn’t around but from what I hear large accounts frequently voted on smaller ones, something that hasn’t happened in a long time. I can’t speak first hand but I have heard it multiple times and from multiple people. Having large $100+ posts (at $0.07 steem) wasn’t impossible for a minnow.

As for the second question, as I spend a lot of time on a daily basis finding spam and abuse there is one rule I follow. I will never blacklist a user based on one post. If I see something I think is spam, plagiarism, or abuse I will look at other posts on the account and look what is their “norm”. Is this a one off post, is it something they do frequently? Only then I will make a ruling on it.

Everyone has a bad post or something many people don’t get, or they forget to cite a source or image, or post a meme from a third party site that they didn’t produce.

It is very difficult because it is very subjective and I tend to be very critical so I have to “hold back” frequently. But I always will judge a user by multiple posts as far back as a few weeks before judging.

Do I think the post is my best work? Absolutely not. It’s a wake up call and a cry for help.
