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RE: $10$BD Weekly Caption Contest - Antifa insanity v KKK ignorance. Equally Moronic!?

in #truth8 years ago (edited)

Thank you, nice to see this kind of perspective on Steemit, I was worried I was going to have to write something up. The groups are indeed both as bad as each other and the most stupid part is the media are trying to attack Trump for pointing that out.

As for genuine Nazis that are out there, they're already completely vilified however anti-capitalist groups like antifa get a completely free pass and have been doing so for years. Only until recently, I think thanks in part to the petition to declare them a domestic terrorist group, has information come out that apparently the FBI has already been calling them a domestic terrorist group when they first started getting more aggressive than usual in the Trump election.

The problem is when it comes to antifa, they are the one group that has the backing of not just the media but local politicians behind them. It would be hilarious if they were officially designated because then we could actually end up getting rid of a lot of these problems. If you don't believe me, the U.C Berkeley mayor is a classic example, he is such a con artist, he struggled to condemn them on air trying to go "Oh I wouldn't call them terrorists but maybe a 'gang'" even though they had a blatant political objective in mind and were targeting everybody with violence that they thought might be different from them.


There seems to be a lot of insanity coming out of UC Berkley recently, maybe they should take a look at some of the radicalised educators that work there and other campuses.
Thanks for the comment dude.