$10$BD Weekly Caption Contest - Antifa insanity v KKK ignorance. Equally Moronic!?

When are the US authorities going to do something about the deliberate radicalisation of the left wing that is going on with Antifa?
If this isn't stopped soon and funding of these groups treated in the same way as funding any other terrorist group then the situation in the US may get beyond all control.
The momentum is building across the world right now with the 'Soros' funded Antifa movement taking hold in many countries but none more than in the US. Scenes of horrendous violence are being shown across the world's news network with the 'alt right' getting the blame. Sadly the corporate owned 'presstitutes' of the MSM are doing their usual biased left wing BS job in reporting the situation whilst ignoring the fact that both sides are equally to blame.
You see both groups spitting and screaming at each other across a Police barricade and you can see the hatred that ordinary citizens can have for each other, it's not only sad it's dangerous. The pictures below sum it up for me.

Ok folks, last weeks contest was a little bit over a week ago now and I've only just taken a look at the entries. I was laughing straight away at the entries as there were some great ones.
This weeks winner is...............
🌟 @wakeupworldnews 🌟
Well done the 10$BD has been transferred so check your wallet. Here's the transaction.
I've taken the following picture from this story which states that KKK is planning to partner up with black Americans to fight against illegal immigration! You couldn't make this shit up!

Klansman: So what are we going to call this new movement?
Black dude: What do you think to, Criminals Unite for No Tolerance.
Klansman: That means we would be known as C.U.N.T's
Black dude: Exactly!
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Leave your entry in the comment section.
The winner is the entry I think is the funniest. Winner gets 10$BD.
Good Luck

Cheers! @tremendospercy, your a legend mate!, As for this week...I don't think i can beat yours but here goes...Black dude-I dunno about you KK but i am sick and tired having to wait in this dank room with this boring game until Soros pays us.... kkk- i hear ya bro, i don't even know how to play checkers..
Hey wake-up world news.... I was about do write something similar - along lines of... you got your cheque from Soros yet? Nah not yet, suppose I better move. (or similar) You beat me to it. SK.
That's hilarious! My original quote started......Did you get the cheque from Soros yet!!!!!
Great minds eh?
Haha, what do they say? Great minds.....
You're welcome dude.
lol, this is great last line.
Now I can't forget it.
If you stand for something, aren't you suppose to be proud of standing behind your belief?
I never understood why people felt the need to cover his or her face; as is the case with the KKK and these Antifa people. Why hide? Why not show people who you are?
Yes, I agree. Coward-like action as you stated. Obviously they are not truly standing behind their words.
Anyone wearing a mask at a political meeting as I see it should be arrested as its a clear intention of criminal behaviour ! If you are not willing to show your face when proposing a belief then your belief is to be discounted until you put " yourself " behind it. Otherwise you are simply negating your personal identity in favour of the facless hive mentality of the .................coward !
I agree fully dude.
good name
no covering their faces there, no sirree
But you do realise that members of the police and the armed forces are very sympathetic to this side, and not so much to the other side.
I think sometimes, in some countries a face covering could be a good idea to shake things up as things need to be shaken up, but I do agree that protests don't have the same effect with no faces.
But maybe many people don't understand the repercussions of being on the wrong side in countries such as Spain, which has had the same power structure since the end of the civil war 1936 - 1939.
The other side were killed, and continued to be killed, all of their possessions taken from their families, and no reparations right up to the present.
And protests marches are brutally suppressed right up to this day, if they are about something close to home.
You can protest the Americans all you like but try going and protesting the king.
I don't think you can make blanket statements about this, and I challenge all who are making them.
Now the situation in question with the movements in America and other places, it's a different matter.
just my two cents worth.
Well said @goldendawne
I saw you were looking for a funny post/comment but... felt the need to say what I feel and see. I get tired of peaceful protests getting violent as soon as ANTIFA enters the ring. Then the MSM twists the story into what they want the public to think is happening.
Exactly, the press are just a propaganda arm of the Oligharchy that own them. It embarrassing for the US as they go around the world 'spreading freedom' when they don't even have it themselves.How the hell did we get here?!
Brother: Yo Bro, I'll take my Brothers from the hood and clean up all the neighborhoods where we manage the streets.
KKK: Yeah, Boy, that sounds like a plan. We'll take care of the border patrols.
Need to get all our contacts in the political scene to put all our members of the military on full alert, because the reds and all their satellite organizations are going to try and use their majority in the media to influence politicians.
Need to neutralize this.
Afterwoods, once this is all over we need to get together and have ourselves a good old party, this time we'll leave out the lynching, if you know what I mean boy.
Brother: Hey there, honkey, I'm amazed you didn't use the "N" word. This could just work.
KKK: No, that "N" word is "politically incorrect" and we wouldn't want that now!
Note: (Both look at each other and burst out laughing".)
KKK: So boy, what do you say to my plan?
Brother: From now on whitey, you are my brother from another mother!
KKK: Right on.
lol, as well. Sheldon is great.
much funny
Hey, I don't think anyone is going to beat your version, but I'll put my thinking cap on.
or take it off, whichever works.
I don't think I'll ever top my first entry in your caption comp, the one with GWB and TB, and nobody ever asked for the unspoken rest.
I'll see if I can top it.
You can do it!! :) I'll be waiting for yours...
I think I wrote one on my piece of paper that I carry with me on the dog walk, says he before pulling out said piece of paper and looking and not finding
I thought it was good too
now I am back to square one. lol
Ahhh DRATS~!
I don't have an entry, just wanna say I feel so sad watching people keep falling for the divide and conquer shit.
I want to second this, although I also want to write an entry.
Quit fuckin round with that token. aint neither of us know how to play this game
One of the reasons that COINTELPRO worked against the Klan was that the FBI convinced the average member that attacking blacks while blacks were serving in the Vietnam was unpatriotic
Despite their racism, the Klan has always considered itself patriotic.
On the other side of the coin, black communities recognize the danger that illegal immigration poses in terms of crime and lost job opportunities at the least.
There can be mutual hate between the Klan and black folks and they can still work together to combat what they see as a greater threat.
The government and the Oligharchy that controls them are the greater threat. I'm convinced most people would get along fine if not for the constant barrage of information giving them reasons to hate each other. You see many people interviewed at some of these marches and they can't even articulate their reason for being there. Dumbed down morons being used to perpetuate hate.
A divided people are easy to control. The more division created the better for the powers that be.
Agree with your first point, but people divide themselves up pretty naturally, which is why it is so easy for corruptocrats to take advantage of that
That's true, however they'd be less likely to want to batter each other in the streets if they weren't whipped up, funded and organised by those in the shadows.
the left is going to attack people in the streets whenever politicians allow them to. It's part and parcel of leftist dogma, a tyrannical philosophy.
Totally, all while pretending to embrace inclusivity, equality and any number of PC BS words ending in 'ity' or 'ism'! They're pathetic.
Thank you, nice to see this kind of perspective on Steemit, I was worried I was going to have to write something up. The groups are indeed both as bad as each other and the most stupid part is the media are trying to attack Trump for pointing that out.
As for genuine Nazis that are out there, they're already completely vilified however anti-capitalist groups like antifa get a completely free pass and have been doing so for years. Only until recently, I think thanks in part to the petition to declare them a domestic terrorist group, has information come out that apparently the FBI has already been calling them a domestic terrorist group when they first started getting more aggressive than usual in the Trump election.
The problem is when it comes to antifa, they are the one group that has the backing of not just the media but local politicians behind them. It would be hilarious if they were officially designated because then we could actually end up getting rid of a lot of these problems. If you don't believe me, the U.C Berkeley mayor is a classic example, he is such a con artist, he struggled to condemn them on air trying to go "Oh I wouldn't call them terrorists but maybe a 'gang'" even though they had a blatant political objective in mind and were targeting everybody with violence that they thought might be different from them.
There seems to be a lot of insanity coming out of UC Berkley recently, maybe they should take a look at some of the radicalised educators that work there and other campuses.
Thanks for the comment dude.
I don't have a captain but I am ROFL on
This world is going to hell in a hand basket @tremendospercy
I saw the N word being mentioned, be warned
Dude. I can't compete with that.
Ok, here's my best-
White- So you know that I know that if I go first your people are going to start a riot.
Black- And you know that I know that if I make the first move your people are going to go on a rampage. So.... We stuck in limbo then?
White- Sounds like it... Just like the rest of the nation.