Exercise Challenge #6: quadrupedal movement, geckos, and hoppyhoppies (heavy front wheel drive, pecks, wrists, shoulders, arms)

in #exercise7 years ago

Good morning you beautiful badass Steemians who love a good exercise challenge! I have a quick story for you.

When I was nary a young kitten of 25 years, my wrists were in a terrible condition. I spent a lot of time on the computer as a teenager, maybe too much whipping ye olde bishop, I don't know. At any rate, my wrists were quite painful, I was experiencing near constant symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Completely by accident, I stumbled across something that within a month completely removed all symptoms and pain. What was it Itchy??

I started going to a parkour gym

It's quite possible there were other factors too, it was the year before that I switched from storebought milk to drinking local raw milk, and eating raw milk products, and this time period coincided with a lot of other positive changes in my health and wellbeing. But due to the severity of turn around of the symptoms, something that had been building slowly for years...I actually think it was the parkour. And more specifically the crawling around on my hands in a variety of ways.

I'm now approaching a regal age of 31, I have NOT done parkour consistently over the last six years...sometimes not at all for long stretches of time, but never once has my wrist pain returned. For all practical purposes, it is completely gone. I can't even begin to tell you how much this blows my mind. I thought I was just going to have to live with it, deal with it forever...forever getting worse. Instead, I happened to hit upon something that I loved doing, that completely took it out of the picture. Like fuckkkK!!! When does that actually happen in life???

QM, or quadrupedal movement is a great way to begin using your hands and wrists differently. It's not the only way to start working with your wrists, but it's a great start.

Today's challenge is this:
Quadrupedal Movement front and back for 1.5 minutes
Geckos for 1.5 minutes
Hoppyhoppies for 1.5 minutes

You can do them in lots of environments, even in your livingroom, the video explains how to do them during the first part. And continues on to watch me doing the challenge. You don't need to follow along in the video if you don't want, just figure out how to do them, then go do it sometime today!!!!

If you have any stories about health issues that either you've been able to heal, or ones that are still bugging you, I'd love to hear!!!


Alooohaaa!! 'Sup mah kool brotha! How kool is that? You were able to
deal with a great injury and work thru it....Over a year and a half now, I had to deal with a herniated disc im my C6 C7 spinal region....a real drag with a TON of pain for what seemed like nearly a year, all which led to expensive chiropractor and doctor visits for pain...anyhow, I got tired of spending all the money! KraZy!! Started to really focus on my yoga practice, getting reacquainted with my body and mind always aware and respectful to the temple of being, which led me to a healthier and ultimately better overall well being even before the sustained herniated disc....after yoga practice I woud also swim...no impact! All my exercising deals with almost zero impact and now no more pain! Hurray!! Keep up the good health mah brotha...My late grandmother's favorite words, "health is wealth!"

One Love mah brotha! Spread da Love Yo!! ❤💛💚


I love it Peaz!!! Way to bring your focus home where it's powerful =) Injuries are hard..but we're beautiful and powerful, and our bodies love us very much!

I went to a parkour workout with @itchykitten one day, and I thought I was in shape, but I could barely walk for like 3 days! Most comprehensive, killer workout ever. SO GOOD. And as a fellow carpal tunnel sufferer, I can share that they helped a lot.


I'm working on getting over a back injury about five years ago, and I find movements like this really difficult! It's mostly problems in my piriformus and sciatica, from being rearended.

I can plank in a stationary fashion, and slow yoga through downward dog and sun salutations, but things like mountain climbers really set off my back and hips. :( I want to be able to have something like this control of movement again someday, but this is a bit high impact yet.

@crimsonclad, I have an old traumatic back injury that results in a frozen sacrum and gets a bit more cattywhompus moving up from there, and my sacrum or pelvis will click in and out, or pop, at certain angles...

the most helpful thing I have found for me is called "spinal release yoga," or sometimes "therapeutic yoga"... it's very simple and gentle, we might do 4 laying down postures in an hour and 15 mins, and it aims at actually releasing muscular tension at a deep level, rather than stretching or building muscle. It has been amazing for my hips, lower back, and, thusly, the rest of my body... might be worth checking out if available where you live.

The other thing that has helped me a lot is the Gockhale Method, a postural method, and the book 8 steps to a pain-free back, which is about what you can do passively to return your spine to alignment, whether reclining, sitting, walking, etc. etc.

thanks, I will definitely check this out!! That sounds exactly like what I need. Tension is a huge issue; once it builds, my body freezes right up and I get shooting pains. I did physiotherapy and saw a kinesiologist for two years, but it got quite expensive and I'm largely 'fixed' from that angle.

mmmhmm, yeah. It's good you're taking care of it, that sounds like it would be a hard thing to deal with. I don't know much about sciatica, but have you given any focus to inflammation reduction as an approach?

I hadn't thought of this, so much, as it's not an inflammation that you can see... but, it makes sense in relation to the type of injury and the way I experience pain. My kinesiologist also explained that my body and nerves are 'attuned' to pain now; the default response they have is to fire pain, even though I am no longer hurting myself with activity, since my bones and muscles have largely healed. A lot of it is slow training and exploring, to teach my body to stop overreacting and protecting me now that I don't need it.

I would look into it Crimson. It's crazy how widespread of a condition it actually is in most industrial nations. And there's a lot of variations of it, but you can find out first by reading about it, but second by trying out inflammation reducing techniques/diet and see if it affects the pain.


Wowee! As in the manner of Papa-Pepper being the Wild-Man of Wild Friends; You are the Wild-Man of Wild Friends of Exercise!!

thanks Suzi =) I think was actually a squirrel in a past life.

And in this life you choose well a Kitty with nine lives!

Hey dude .. another great workout .. I have a bit of a side injury (possibly from too many drunk pull-ups) so I'm taking these ones really easily. Would love to know what your neighbours think of these exercises when they look out the window lol .. althought I guess you don't have any? :D

yeah, definitely keep it slow, you don't need to go fast...it's always best to pay attention to your body! Good job on trying it out though =) If you're able to find a balance with some of these in a way that's fun, and gets your blood moving, and doesn't aggravate anything, then you're doing awesome!

We do have neighbors, they can't really see into the yard much...I get naked in here quite often either for the hot tub or just to catch some sun. They're pretty cool though :P They're older, really into guns, used to train like high end military snipers. I keep them in fresh sourdough when we make bread, and the fellow has been really helpful in building our little house, he's had some great suggestions, and loaned us some tools here and there.

Thanks my man. It's something that's been bugging me for a couple of years, I think I must have twisted myself or pulled muscle that just doesn't seem to want to heal, very frustrating. Looking at these exercises I feel if I take it slowly then it could be a way to flex this area without pushing it too much. Thanks for sharing this could really help and is not something I've thought about before.

Pole fitness and yoga have been my sanity and health savers since I was 19. Once I changed my eating habits and activity level I have not had a flare up since!

Love that you motivate others!

thanks Arte! Pole stuff is crazy!! I can't believe how strong you people are, super cool stuff.

Honestly it's a lil bit of core and lots of trusting yourself you can do it! I think what scares people is thinking that they will fall or can't lift themselves. Practice and positivity 😉

Excellent man i do street workout and it's perfect to have more force and be healthy

oh sick!! Yeah, I love working out outside, it just really does sometime for me that a gym can't

Yes man i share your position

Itchy! You could invent some new creative work outs. :D Enter in my FreeArt Challenge. I would be honored, even if I know you don't care about the SBD. :P

Thanks Troilo!! I dig it! I think it's a great idea.

Oh nice! Thank you for the upvote, you just made the prize pool bigger. :)

certainly! I dunno if I'll get a video in this one (been on the road all week), we'll see, but I'd love to at some point

It would be great, but don't stress yourself . ;)

Nice work Jared!!
These body movement exercises look so good !
Keep bringing it!! You are getting ripped ! :)